Emotion Code
The Emotion Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is an energy healing technique. It can help identify and release trapped emotions, or negative emotional energies from distressing past events. When emotions become trapped in the body, they can cause feelings of sadness or anxiety, block people from experiencing love and happiness, or make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they may exert an influence on physical tissues, potentially leading to acute discomfort and even illness. When trapped emotions are released, emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable, thus helping to make conditions right for the body to recover.
The collection of Trapped emotions that you have accumulated throughout your life, that could now be having a negative effect on your behavior, feelings and physical health. Or you could call them EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE.
A HEART-WALL is described as a barrier against emotional pain, created by the subconscious to “protect” the heart. Made of Trapped Emotions. It may dull the sensations of heartache and can create emotional callousness, but may be helpful while you need it.
Like EFT, Emotion Code is a private and non-invasive healing technique.
Learn more at www.discoverhealing.com.
For more information, please see our latest brochure (it is in .PDF mode so you can download or print it out).
Click HERE
What is a Trapped Emotion – Discover Healing
The Heart-Wall®
Dr. Bradley Nelson describes the Heart-Wall as follows:
“There may have been times in your own life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as “heartache.” This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat occurs when the deepest part of us is under assault, typically when someone is hurting us or we’re feeling a deep sense of grief, hurt or loss. I believe that the heart is actually the core of our being. And I think that the spirit with in us does not like this feeling, this assault on our core. I believe that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life that your subconscious mind will form an “energy wall” to protect your heart against further heartache and against further assault. I refer to this wall of energy as the “Heart-Wall.”
The heart wall is made up of trapped emotions that were created to protect your heart during times of great stress and upset. These negative trapped emotions may have formed a wall around your heart. The emotion code is a way to get rid of your emotional baggage.
Dr. Nelson’s experience is that approximately 93% of people have a Heart-Wall!
When a Heart-Wall is present it can contribute to:
- Low Immune System/Low Energy
- Feelings of Sadness and emotional numbness
- Feelings of isolation and disconnection from others (feeling like you don’t fit it)
- Relationship problems
- Trouble giving and receiving love
- Success blocks and trouble finding your true calling
- A de-sensitized Heart. One see’s love come to them, but they don’t “feel” it.
- Love communication becomes estranged.
- Chest pain and upper back pain
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Abundance problems in all things; self love, wealth, friends, jobs, loving companion.
- Blocks in being in the flow of financial freedom.
A HEART-WALL is described as a barrier against emotional pain, created by the subconscious to “protect” the heart. Made of Trapped Emotions. It may dull the sensations of heartache and can create emotional callousness, but may be helpful while you need it. “I believe that the single most important thing you can do for yourself is to get rid of the trapped negative emotions that may be forming a wall around your heart. The Emotion Code® is the only way that I know of to do this. It is easily learned by anyone, with no previous training required. I believe the release of Trapped Emotions is permanent, and works for all ages. By helping people shed their emotional baggage, we can help them obtain the potential to become empowered — to become who God intended them to be.”
~ Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret)
Author of The Emotion Code, Creator of The Body Code
Learn more at www.discoverhealing.com.
Body Code
The Body Code is an advanced wellness method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson and it can help people with all kinds of issues. It’s built on the premise that true health comes from being balanced in 6 different ways. The body and mind can become imbalanced in 6 different key areas, resulting in all manner of problems for you. These key areas are Energies(which include Trapped Emotions), Circuits and Systems, Toxins, Pathogens, Misalignments and Nutrition.
Using kinesiology, we are able to locate imbalances that are causing or contributing to symptoms. Then the imbalances can be energetically cleared.
An IMBALANCE can be described as anything that goes wrong in the physical body or energy body. Things that do not belong, things that the body lacks/needs, things that have moved out of place or been interrupted. Imbalances are generally low vibrationally and are always disruptive to the normal, balanced state of the spirit/body. Imbalances frequently cause other types of imbalance in the body (e.g. a Trapped Emotion leading to kidney imbalance). These are called “associated imbalances” when doing work with The Body Code.
When you have balance in the 6 areas, the result is that you have better health, abundant wealth and happy relationships.
Any issue you can possibly have has underlying imbalances. Removing these imbalances makes it possible for the body to return to a state of perfect balance and health. When imbalances are released, the body can heal.
Body Code sessions follow the same guidelines as The Emotion Code. They can be done remotely via proxy or in person on zoom. While the Emotion Code can uncover roughly 80% of imbalances, the Body Code can uncover the remaining imbalances in more detail.
I use what has been described as MUSCLE TESTING. This is a skill that enables communication with the subconscious mind. We can use it to perceive or discern slight changes in muscle strength when we ask the subconscious a yes/no question. A muscle will remain strong if the answer is affirmative or “yes.” A muscle will test weaker if the answer is negative or “no.”
When you have tried everything else without success- Body Code may assist you to get you back to your Greatest Health and Happiness!
Learn more at www.discoverhealing.com.
Listen to Dr. Bradley Nelson below from discover healing explain about the 6 imbalances from the body code.
For more information, please see our latest brochure (it is in .PDF mode so you can download or print it out).
Click HERE
Watch this demonstration below from Dr. Bradley Nelson, from Discover Healing using the body code for back pain.
Belief Code
The Belief Code follows the same simple, easy-to-use process as the Emotion Code® and Body Code™. It uses mind-mapping technology where we discover unwanted subconscious beliefs to free your body, mind and spirit. There are 5 categories of belief system or systems made up of either Basic, Split, Parallel, Tangled or Partial Belief Systems. Each issue addressed has one of these faulty core beliefs system or systems contributing to it.
We remove the negative belief systems that are in layers in the subconscious mind that take the form of negative programs, limiting beliefs, faulty core beliefs and faulty core Identities.
These unwanted subconscious beliefs contribute to how we perceive our world and respond to it.
The belief code uses mind-mapping to assist the subconscious to lead the practitioner to the belief that needs to be addressed and released. Once the practitioner finds the belief, then the practitioner uses the body code and the emotion code to release all of the imbalances that are associated with the beliefs that affect the issue. The imbalances are what is giving the beliefs power.
Once these are all released, then we release the negative beliefs. From there, we either replace the subconscious belief with a positive belief or mend the subconscious gap like a computer. See your world and yourself in a whole new way. Release all those unwanted beliefs that hold you back and create space for new strengthening and empowering beliefs.
Learn more at discoverhealing.com.